State & Federal Issues

Taking action to preserve and expand access to health care for under-resourced communities

WPHCA activates advocates to influence the policy-making process and collaborates directly with lawmakers to inform evidence-based decisions. Whether it’s providing testimony in a committee hearing or meeting with agencies to write a new administrative rule, WPHCA taps into the expertise of Community Health Centers to elevate patient and community voices.

Federal Priorities

WPHCA works alongside the National Association of Community Health Centers and lawmakers to advance access to care through Congressional and regulatory action. Key issues include maintaining and expanding funding for the Section 330 program, protecting the 340B Drug Pricing Program, and continuing workforce programs such as the National Health Service Corps, which provides loan forgiveness for clinicians practicing in Health Professional Shortage Areas, including Community Health Centers.

State Legislative Agenda

In 2021, WPHCA secured additional funding in the Wisconsin Biennial Budget through the Community Health Center State Grant. WPHCA also advocates to improve maternal and child health, increase access to oral health and behavioral health services, and support efficient delivery of high-quality health care. Top priorities include extending Medicaid coverage for pregnant women to a full year, authorizing licensure of Dental Therapy in Wisconsin, and implementing protections to for sustainable telehealth services for all patients.

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