What We Do

WPHCA improves the health of Wisconsinites by supporting the work of Community Health Centers and their partners.
WPHCA provides training and technical assistance to Community Health Centers in the areas of quality improvement, workforce development, and policy advancement to increase their ability to provide high-quality primary health care across the state.
Our Services and Resources
As a member association, WPHCA’s work focuses on accomplishing our mission by providing a wide range of services and resources including:

Quality Care
WPHCA collaborates with Community Health Centers to improve the quality of care and services provided to patients. Together, Community Health Centers and WPHCA share best practices and tools, such as evidence-based models and strategies. Community Health Centers support each other with the goal of providing high-quality care and exceeding the high standards and expectations of their patients, communities, and partners.

WPHCA activates advocates to influence the policy-making process and collaborates directly with lawmakers to inform evidence-based decisions. Whether it’s providing testimony in a committee hearing or meeting with agencies to write a new administrative rule, WPHCA taps into the expertise of Community Health Centers to elevate patient and community voices.

WPHCA collaborates with Community Health Centers to advance the shared vision of hiring and retaining a workforce that is representative of the communities clinics serve, including staff that are committed to patient-centered care and health equity.

Special Populations
WPHCA is committed to facilitating dialogue and advancing healthy outcomes for individuals and families who experience structural barriers to health and health care, with a particular focus on HRSA-designated special populations. This includes groups such as individuals experiencing homelessness and Migrant Seasonal Agricultural Workers. A focus on special populations is achieved through partnerships among Community Health Centers and targeted local partners such as public health agencies, community grassroots representatives, and community-based organizations.

Health Center Controlled Network
WPHCA’s Health Center Controlled Network (HCCN) supports Health Centers in addressing some of the core infrastructure that Health Centers need to be able to be high performing providers and employers of choice for their communities, including improving patient experience and access to care, strengthening provider satisfaction, optimizing health information enhance tools, and leverage data to support value based care activities. WPHCA serves as the state of Wisconsin’s HCCN.

Partner with WPHCA
You can support Wisconsin Community Health Centers today! Become a WPHCA member, Corporate Partner, or community partner and support the Community Health Center movement in Wisconsin.